Author Archives: rdenton
History of Cocaine
Toothcare products
My spanish menu
Density of pennies lab….
Click here to view my lab report….
Linear Art desgin
Linear Art design By: Ryan Denton And Luke Lassiter
Graph each line in your paper using pencil. Make sure that your lines are straight by using a ruler. Extend the lines to the edge of your paper. You may trim the edges later to make it neat.
When you have finished graphing all the lines, color your design.
You may wish to go over certain parts of the with a dark pen, crayon, or marker to emphasize different portions.
y= -1
y= -5
y= -10
y= -15
y= 1
y= 5
y= 10
y= 15
y= -54x
y= 54x
My favorite study of science is marine ology because I think it is interesting learning about the way fish swim and how they are able to breath under water.
Adopt An Element
Adopt An Element