Kindness day 2012
Three Things I’m Passionate About
1. I am passionate about baseball because i have played it all my life.
2.I am passionate about hunting because it get me excited when we get in the stand.
3. I am passionate about owning a farm because my family has alot of farms and want to keep it in the family for the rest of my life.
I Have a Dream Too!!
Click HERE to get on my class mates I Have a dream Too speach!!
New Year’s Resolution
My New Year’s Resouution is to be healther work out with my brother every day. Another is too take care of my dog. My last one is too help my friend with her grades in school.
No Turkey Cooked On Thanksgiving Morning
Oh,no it was Thanksgiving morning and the turkey was still frozen and it was a mess,my parents were still asleep. We had to get all the foodready for our family. So L valled my aunt and asked her if she could cook green beans and the turkey. It was noon and eveerybody was coming over at 1:30 p.mand we were not ready,but we had alot to cook. So wewere smart and went to buy the rest of the food and drinks. So it is 1:30 p.m and everyone is showing upbut everyone brought everythin, it has been a bad day but it will get better.It just got better,now we get to play football in the front yard.This has been an ok Thanksgiving,but it gets better, my aunt is wearing a turkey suit and we started laughing.
If You Found $100, Is It Yours To Keep?????
If you found $100 is it yours to keep? Well I say NO,because it is wrong to keep someone elses money. Just think if you lost that money and it was in a wad that you saved up for a long time. I know if you found that money you would be conviced to keep it wouldn’t you. So just think you found $100, what i would do is turn it in to the police or buy a decent bike,but I would first turn it in to the police.
My Vokie
Should Students get Paid to go to School???????
Students should get paid to go to school,because they can help their parents buy gaslion and if they need to buy more school suplies with their money,and not spend their parents money.Here’s a question for you to anwser,”if you never got paid to go to school how would you get to school without spending all of your parents money,were you could’nteat and have somewear to live”. So anwser that and then see if you want to get paid to go to school,and just think you could buy dinner for your parents anniversary or buy them a birthday gift, so I think you should get paid to go to school.